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Steroid laws by state
By this basis, by these facts it is hard to call the anabolic steroid laws just, and on this basis many U.S. jurisdictions do not consider them, on their face, to be discriminatory. Yet, the laws themselves are such that they cannot be applied equally.
The first problem is the absence of an affirmative, uniform approach to defining "sex." This is due in part to the fact that some states have laws that are designed more to define sexual orientation than to define biological sex, or at least not to define it completely, anabolic steroids legal uk. The result is that a range of nonconsensual physical activities, such as oral sex, can be criminalized under many state statutes, anabolic steroids legal ireland. Under federal law, sexual activity is not considered sex for any purpose.
A second problem is that a variety of differences among the states in the prevalence of these activities have led some jurisdictions to define different standards under state statutes, anabolic steroids legality by country. In some states, this has enabled a wide range of activity to be criminalized, steroid by laws state. However, in others, the criminal laws have been interpreted to permit no activity, and even a single act of statutory sodomy will usually be treated in the same manner as a normal heterosexual encounter.
A third problem with the laws is that they are not always clearly directed at the specific activities being prohibited. Some jurisdictions have been very clear, for example, that one should not engage in masturbation. In other jurisdictions, however, the statute says only that acts of masturbation "are an activity that is not sexual in the strict legal sense" (p 225), anabolic steroids california law. Some states even seem to be more ambiguous, as in the case of an activity that is considered to be "performed" by "a person under sixteen years of age, or with the consent of such person" (p 255).
A fourth problem is that some jurisdictions lack any sort of definition of consent: the absence of a written definition of either voluntary or involuntary, steroid laws by state. The term "voluntary" is often used, but it has no clear meaning on its own.
Finally, since no clear definition of "sex" exists, the laws are in a constant state of flux, anabolic steroids legislation australia. Since only a very few jurisdictions have a uniform definition of sex, some states have created laws that have some potential for being used in discrimination cases. However, even this flexibility may lead to inconsistent application.
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