Of course being the conference chair, people might think that my opinion of LFWC is a biased one. Fair enough, but I honestly believe that there is no other conference, at least that I have ever attended, like LFWC. I think what makes it so special and unique is the fact that we try to keep everything "real." By real, I mean down to earth and relatable. We also work hard to keep the ladies that come involved as much as possible. They own their experience. This is their conference. I will say that I don't particularly care for the word conference, because in my view, it is so much more than a conference. I have to admit, I believe this 2021 conference was my absolute favorite. I loved meeting all the women that came and I don't mean on a "hi, how are you" basis. I mean I got to know many of them, many of you on some level and you got to know me some. It was a beautiful thing. I love how the Holy Spirit just falls in the midst of worship every time and the women are so ready and free to worship with everything they have, yet it is always decent and orderly, even when we are shouting. Tzofiya, Monique and Berelyn shared on some tough topics, but the messages were powerful and convicting. I literally thought that Tzofiya had a peak at my drama script, because she had so much of what we were going to present in the production, in her message. It was just confirmation that the Holy Spirit was moving. I would love to hear from you. Please share your thoughts. Blessings, Zamariah
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